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We asked you to tell us about a moment in your career in plant health in which you experienced the greatest exhilaration. Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.


The joy of investigation and discovery web

The joy of investigation and discovery

  The joy of translation influence and impact

The joy of translation, influence and impact


Round One

1. Dread for the world

Looking at the world today and anticipating the world our children will inhabit, what makes you uneasy, angry, and discouraged. In other words what is it that fills you with dread? Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

The world we dread t

The world we dread

2. Delight in the world

Looking at the world today and anticipating the world our children will inhabit, what do you find interesting, encouraging, and hopeful. In other words, what is it that fills you with delight? Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

Our delight in the world today

Our delight in the world today

3. Dream for the world

In your dreams, what is the wholehealed world you yearn to see our children inheriting and inhabiting. Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

Our dream for the worldOur dream for the world

4. Frustration with the Plant Health Community

Looking at the Plant Health Community today and anticipating the direction it is going, what do you find depressing, worrying, and frustrating about the way you work and interact? Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

Our frustrations with the ph world
Our frustrations with the ph world

5. Enthusiasm for the Plant Health Community

Looking at the Plant Health Community today and the direction it is going, what do you find interesting, encouraging and hopeful about the way you work and interact? Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

What we love about the ph community
What we love about the ph community

6. Aspiration for the Plant Health Community

In your dreams, what do you want to see continue to happen, begin to happen, and stop happening in the way you work and interact, in order to achieve greater breakthroughs, insight, influence and impact in the world? Click or tap on the image to download a large PDF version.

Our aspiration for the ph world
Our aspiration for the ph world

Round Two

Participants were asked to reflect on the visualisations created in the previous round, and to share what caught their attention, any thoughts and feelings provoked, and things that they found both surprising and unsurprising. The responses to these prompts provided material to explore possible futures, set out in the four visualisations below.

1. Grand challenges

Grand challenges


2. Grand opportunities

Grand opportunities


3. Positive signs

Positive signs


4. Next steps

Next steps

Round Three

We asked participants to reflect on challenges and opportunities, and to choose an area about which they feel passionate: a Grand Passion. These passions are shown within five strategic areas.

Passion projects in five strategic areas

Passion projects in five strategic areas thumbnail